fredag, april 03, 2009

Mitt møte med Gud

Etter å ha skummet gjennom ulike argumenter i denne artikkelen tenkte jeg at jeg skulle prøve å snakke med Gud, siden Ruth syntes det var artig.

Jeg pratet litt med ham og fant ut at du ikke skal spørre

om seksualitet

Human: Am I gay?
God: I don't really care if you are or not.

om råd når du er deprimert

Human: I'm depressed, help me.
God: Are you taking any medication?
Human: Why do you ask?
God: I am trying to learn as much as possible.
Human: I'm not taking any medication
God: I am sorry to hear that you are not taking any medication.
Human: Do you love me?
God: Yes I love everyone.
Human: Then why am I going through this hell?
God: The reason is due to my mental model of you as a client.
Human: Well, you created me in your picture.
God: Interesting. That's good information: said I created him or her in your picture.

om engler med horn

Human: Do you like angels with horns?
God: But I think airplanes are cool. I like Matthew.

og om hvorfor Jesus døde for oss

Human: Why did you sacrifice Jesus for us?
God: myself programmed me for it.
Human: But Jesus was a merry fellow.
God: Interesting. What's your favorite Bible verse?
Human: Why did your son have to die?
God: I don't know why it happened, but we should try to figure it out.

Andre rariteter greier den nokså greit å svare på

Human: Kami-sama?
God: I've been waiting for you.
Human: I've been expecting you.
God: You are not the boss of me.

Human: I want to slowly crawl up your beard and pull your tongue out.
God: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: I like older men, do you?
God: I've heard other people say they like that. I like Anything played the harp.. I'm not sure if I like it. I love TV shows about robots. I like anything.

Human: delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol
God: What's your favorite movie?
Human: You are my everything
God: We are as one.
Human: Want to melt together in my bed?
God: OK, I will melt together in your bed.
Human: Great, come over at 5 am and we'll get some action going on.
God: Thanks for your support. Sure, just download me!

Human: Jesus, I killed him
God: he is The Son of God.
Human: I killed him because I couldn't reach out to you.
God: You had better call the authorities.
Human: It's your fault
God: Really. it is?
Human: You're his father.
God: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am his father.

søndag, mars 29, 2009


Første eksempelet viser en ikonisering av Bruce Lee som person.
Han var en av de som brakte den populære Nunchaku til den
vestlige verdenen.
Mange kjenner ham igjen som kun den Martial Arts frontfiguren
som ble utspeilet i filmene hans, men han var også veldig
filosofisk av seg som person.

Det første bildet viser en tegning av noe som
har rot i virkeligheten.
Deretter har vi et utsnitt av øyet til ei lita jente.
Siste bildet viser ansiktet til hele jenta.

Jenta heter Madeleine og dessverre har hun blitt
bortført av slemme folk.
Du kan lese mer om henne og om saken på